Friday, June 26, 2009

My "Old School" Astronomy Stuff circa 1970

Here's a small collections of what got me interested in astronomy. All are circa 1970.

My first planisphere. 1969 $1.00 I still use it today.

The book on the right I bought the same day as my first telescope. $1.50. The "Sky Observers Guide" was purchased on August 5, 1971 for $1.25.

15th Edition of Norton's Star Atlas was purchased in 1970 for $6.50. Boy did this seem way over my head at the time (and much still is...). It did however motivate me to want to learn more with the hope that I could understand it some day.

This guide was purchased in 1970-71 for $5.95. It's filled with photographic star atlases. It did get me to try some night sky film photography. I had my own photography dark room at the time.

H.A. Rey's "The star" was awesome to look at as a kid. The best book I think for kids getting started in astronomy. $6.95 at the time. Money well spent!

"Stars sand Universe " Book was $3.50.

Sky and Telescope was $0.75 at the time at my local bookstore. $8.00 for a yearly subscription in 1972.

Below is a picture of my two "Norton's Star Atlas". On the left the 15th Edition, 1969 and on the right the 20th edition, 2004. Below, ( in honor of my astronomy buddy-Richie Smith from Sparks, NV) are a close up from charts 13 of the constellation Lyra. On the right is the 2004 version(bland and boring) and on the left is the 1969 version--- "Old School Rules...Way Cooler"!

1 comment:

  1. Fun to see this stuff Mike. My neighbor who helped to get me started in astronomy had the same Norton's. Fun to see it again.

    I really like your old star wheel!
