Saturday, June 20, 2009

"Wilson Star Search" June 13, 2009

Congratulations to Steve Smith for making our presence know up north in Niagara County along the shores of Lake Ontario by initiating the “Wilson Star Search” at Krueger Park in Wilson, NY. Although I understand the 1st event was clouded out, his second event on June 13, 2009 was a great success. A front came through that concerned all of us but it quickly cleared and provided our visitors and the “BAA Astronomy Road Show Crew” with a beautifully clear and pleasant evening. BAA members in attendance were Steve Smith, Rick Guerin, Gary Flagg, Frank Pirrone, and me! All 20+ visitors were very interested in astronomy, many have scopes of their own and all were delighted as their eyes feasted on the “Astronomical Buffet of Celestial Wonders” we served up for the evening! Steve even set up a table of astronomy and BAA related information. We’re all looking forward to coming back Steve!

"BAA Astronomy Road Show Crew" for the evening:

This is how to take a picture of your astro buddies so as to not affect their dark adapted night vision!

We finished the evening with a peak at a beautiful waning gibbous Moon and gazed upon the spectacular "Gaseous Goliath Jupiter" and it's "Paparazzi of Galilean Groupies" around 2AM. What a way to end the evening! Arrived home in Hamburg around 3AM after the 55 mile trip.


  1. Hey Mike I just noticed how your blinding personality and presense affects your fellow astronomy buddies! It must be hard to live with mere mortals like the rest of us!
