Sunday, November 25, 2012


Tracey Ridge 
Allegheny National Forest

Friday, November 23, 2012

Construction of the “Vito-Betzler Winter Observing Pod”

“Vito-Betzler Winter Observing Pod”

I constructed this temporary "observing pod" for winter and early Spring observing in my backyard. Due to the incessant winds that seem to batter anything in my backyard it thought it might be an excellent idea to construct it to break the wind to enable more frequent observes in my windblown backyard. 

It did survive the recent 40+ mph winds quite nicely and provided a nice calm space to reside in as I gave it a test run. In addition to the wind it does obstruct most of the surrounding street and business lights that bathe my entire property.

It is affectionately named for Vito, the name my kids jokingly called my Dad and Betzler, the name my wife's grandmother called her when she was a child.