Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Solar Wednesday @ Lake Shore Chiropractic Center

Sun-Earth Day 2010 at the Buffalo Museum of Science March 20, 2010

A big astronomical thank you to all who performed in the BAA Traveling Astronomy Roadshow, "Sun-Earth Day 2010"  at the Buffalo Museum of Science.[1].pdf

We had a very large number of visitors of all ages throughout the day. The Sun also cooperated with providing all in attendance with entertaining rooftop telescopic views of our nearest Star in H-alpha and white light. On the floor of Hamlin Hall were our various solar-themed demonstration displays including  "Anatomy of the Sun", "Magnetism", Live broadcasting from the BAA "Space Weather Prediction Center", Telescope "Show and Tell", and our BAAinformation booth.

Here's some photos from the solar themed day !

Our Stellar Volunteers:
An immense solar flare thank you to the West Seneca Y.E.S. (Youth Engaged in Service group who performed face paint and assisted in hands –on astronomy projects that included "Tricked out Star Charts", "Star Clocks", "Create an Exoplanet", "Make a Planisphere", and "Straw Sundials" . All though a bit short handed the volunteer solar team of  Brianna Smith,  Rebecca Schmitt and Emily Ambrose under the tutelage of Y.E.S director Jolynn Keane performed brilliantly throughout the entire solar spectra of events. Face painting at the speed of the solar wind... Bravo girls.

Bravo and a Standing Ovation to the BAA SUN-EARTH DAY 2010 Cast:

Rooftop Performers: "The Narrow Bandwidths and the White Lighters":
"The Narrow Bandwidths":
H-alpha Scope Handlers Alan Friedman, Jeff and Janice Gardner, Darand Land and their 6562.8 Angstrom co-stars went chromospheric as they promenaded with solar prominences and filaments throughout the day. Their bandwidths were right on for the day's performance.
The White Lighters:
Telescope Tricksters Scott Smith, Mark Morgis, and Bill Brown filtered out 99.9999% of the solar spectrum and were eventually showcasing photospheric sunspots as atmospheric conditions improved and sunspot group 1056 evolved. All were Umbrally amazed.
Hamlin Hall Performers:
BAA's own, Rick Janus irradiated sun lovers in all wave lengths with solar knowledge and exhibited current sun images via the web.
"The Magnetograms"
Proving that opposites attract, Dipoles Jan ("Mrs.Magnetism") and sidekick Dick Zehr polarized the crowd with their hands-on magnetism act to the fascination and amusement of all. Some visitors were delightfully repelled by their antics.
Spaceweather New Station:
BAA space anchorman, Tom Heyer broadcasted current space weather forecasts with the assistance of live webcam "space weather co-anchorkids". A live webcast from NASA's Sun Earth Day Activities were also aired from 1-2 PM. Beware Don Paul(weatherman on local TV station)!
BAA Crooner Steve Smith and his "One-Man -One 12" Dob" standup routine wowed all interested astronomer wanna-be's. He also crooned the crowd with the hobby highlights of amateur astronomy. None of his eyepieces walked off the stage either.
BAA orator Joe Orzechowski crewed the BAA information display, sung the various activities of the BAA and proclaimed the virtues of BAA membership. He entertained questions too.
Craft Solar Services:
Janice Gardner, in addition to her solar observation matinee gig provided craft services to satisfaction of all the hungry palates of BAA cast members and Y.E.S. volunteers. (non SUG approved)
BAA extra, Bon Hughes danced his way from rooftop to Hamlin Hall answering any questions directed his way. A fine space mission pundit and heliospheric  showman.
Thanks to Dr. Steele Hill, media specialist ( for NASA's SOHO mission for providing us with all the great solar material handouts.

The Supporting Solar Crew available at:

Four Thumbs up for the debut performance of "Sun Earth Day 2010" by the BAA
astro troupe!
A Stellar Show!
Thanks for all your help.

BUFFALO NY - A stalwart band of BAA volunteers engaged a massive public onslaught Saturday and went on to win a thrilling final during Sun-Earth Day festivities at the Buffalo Museum of Science. 
Led by their ebullient head coach Michael Anzalone, the BAA remained focused and cheerful, despite being outnumbered on the field 100 to 1 during the closing minutes of the game. 

"Our final count was 1,672 people in attendance and you & your crew played a huge part in keeping them all engaged. Please thank everyone for us…" commented Michelle Rudnicki, Museum Director of Development. The huge crowd, fed by an M&T Bank special promotion, promised long lines at the activities tables and solar observing telescopes. Despite the lengthy wait, the mood of attendees remained cheerful, buoyed by a thrill of discovery conveyed by the BAA ambassadors. "This is soooooooo cool!" remarked LeShante Garris, freshman at Canisius College, as she got back on line for another look at the sun in the crimson wavelengths of Hydrogen Alpha light. 

Although food was in short supply throughout downtown Buffalo as thousands of ravenous March Madness basketball fans sought relief from any and all watering holes south of Winspear Avenue, comestibles were ample and delicious at Sun-Earth Day thanks to a delicious game plan put into action by BAA members Jeffrey and Janice Gardner. With their stamina nourished, the BAA contingent remained strong through the closing minutes of the afternoon sunshine. 

As equipment was carried back down the spiral stairway and literature carefully packed away for another day, the BAA was clearly weary yet invigorated from the successful event. When informed of the attendance estimate of more than 1500 visitors, BAA board member Scott Smith was not surprised. "This was a massive win for the club" said Smith, who spent the afternoon providing views of the sun through his 10" telescope, "... and I have the eyepiece goo to prove it!"

"If you missed this event, don't despair," says Anzalone. "The BAA will be back at the Museum in full force on Saturday, April 24th to celebrate International Astronomy Day." 

Alan Friedman
special correspondent

Buffalo Astronomical Association Inc.