Wednesday, January 6, 2010

SUGster spotted in Nevada !!!!!!!!!!!

Sidewalk Universe Guy (SUG) spotted in the Reno Nevada area.
Months have passed with no word of the "SUG". No posts no nothing! Is he OK?

Celebrity gossip news "TMZ" purports a possible "SUG" sighting. Apparently he was located and photographed. A cell phone image was captured by an attendee to an Astronomy Workshop at the "Sierra Nevada Journeys" facility in Reno, NV ( However his identity is awaiting confirmation. The individual does possess the "SUG"ster's dashingly good looks.

Sources on the ground report that the "SUG" presented over three evenings to approximately 20 local school teachers. Not surprisingly he astonished all in attendance and apparently infected all with a virulent strain of astronomiphilia.
Local school officials have confirmed that numerous teachers who attended his presentations have transmitted this infectious love of astronomy on to their students. Local health officials state they will let this deep space strain run its course. Schools will remain open.

Drone Surface imagers have been deployed to region to track his location. His current whereabouts is presumed to be in the Sparks, NV area.

Will "SUG" resurface?